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Title I

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Welcome to the Tile I Services Page

Please provide us feedback on our 2019-20 Services on the survey below:

English Survey  

Spanish Survey  

What is Title I?

Students who receive Title I services at South Bend Junior/Senior High are benefitting from federal funding targeting students who do not currently meet national benchmarks in learning math & English language arts.  For more background and details for parents on Title I services, click on the links below for flyers and/or websites.

English      Spanish

How do Students Qualify?

At South Bend, students are typically given services when teachers or administrators see that there is more than one indication that a student is struggling:

1) Earning a level 2 (developing) or 1 (basic) on the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA).

2) Poor grade performance (D or F) in math and/or English content area classes

3) STAR Progress monitoring is below grade level (typically one or more years behind)

4) Teacher recommendation (based on in-class on-going observation and intervention with the student)

In addition, some services paid for through Title I are offered school-wide to all students because of the high rate of low-income students in our school district.

If a parent has reason for concern, he/she can contact the school to initiate the Response to Invervention (RTI) process to collect and review data on student's learning progress, focus in-class intervention strategies to try to better meet the student need, and if necessary enroll them in Title I or screen him/her for Special Education services.

What Services are Provided?

Math:  (student login)  Parent Information (English) (Spanish)

Translating Story Problems

Big Ideas Math: Program Overview

                        General Parent Information         

                           Flyer overview of support materials for Spanish speakers.

   Chapter overviews for Parents (by course name and chapter number) English and Spanish  High School  Middle School

                        Student Resources:

                        Student Login 

                        Basic Skills Handbook (Middle School)

IXL Grades 3-6

English Language Arts:

Word Warm Ups (student) (staff)

Read Naturally Live

Credit Retrieval:


Home Technology Support:

Home Chromebook Checkout Expectations 

Homework Club:

 Tuesday-Thursday 3:15-4:15 p.m. in the South Bend High School Library

South Bend High School Library Resources:

 Library Homepage of Resources

Teacher Professional Development:

 Behavior Menu of Best Practices

ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) introductory film clip

Homeless Outreach and Support:

 For support services, contact  Jon Schray (360) 875-5707

Kathryn Staats Resource Navigator    Resource Guide  Nav. Pacific County Resources

Parent Engagement Resources and Activities:

 Growth Mindset Kit for Parents (English)  (Spanish)

MakerSpace:  What is makerspace?   Here's a four-minute Ted-Ex clip of its philosophy.

Teaching Children Manners

What Policies Guide Title I at South Bend? 

I. Policy 4130P: Procedure - Title I Parent Involvement

English   Spanish Version

II. Parent Family Engagement Policy

English   Spanish

Annual Parent Notification:

This includes information about the district report card, student achievement report card of Smarter Balanced Assessment results, teacher & paraprofessional qualifications, state assessments, and OSPI complaint procedures.

English Parent Notification 11-3-17           Spanish Parent Notification 11-3-17

Who should I contact with additional Title I questions for South Bend?

To receive assistance, contact Julie Haugan, Title I coordinator at (360) 875-5707

What is the process to file a formal citizen complaint about the use of federal funds in the Title I program?

English   Spanish

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  • DEV test
  • SBSD ELC Lunch
  • SBSD Lunch
  • HS Google Calendar
  • SBSD Gear Up

Smarter Balanced Assessment 2018-19

Below are a set of resources to provide general background, grade-level ELA and math skills overviews, and practice tools for testing.

Ready Washington provides useful background and up-to-date resources for parents and students about state assessments and planning for the future.

The Council of the Great City Schools (for Urban Education) links in numerous subject area resources on its Common Core State Project

Especially useful are the Parent Road Maps by grade level for math: English and Spanish 

                                                                 English Language Arts: English and Spanish

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Website has both student and parent information and a practice test for each grade level.

English     and  Spanish  

Practice test guest login